Bring the Cheese to Room Temperature Before Mixing it in the Sauce.Use Finely-Grated Cheese When Making Cheese Sauce.Add The Cheese in Last After All the Other Ingredients are Mixed and Heated.
How to Prevent Cheese Sauce From Getting Grainy. If you’re dealing with grainy or gritty cheese sauce, don’t fret. In the next few sections we’ll share some of the different reasons the cheese sauce can turn out grainy, different options to save your cheese sauce, and ways to prevent future sauces from turning out gritty. There is the good way and the cheap way.Hey there! This site is reader-supported and I earn commissions if you purchase products from retailers after clicking on a link from this site. Melting the grated cheese in flour prevents the oils from separating and the proteins from curdling. Try heating a couple table spoons of butter with some flour in a pot for a couple of minutes stirring with a wooden spoon then add enough hot milk to make the mixture smooth. Mozzarella will melt but won’t make a smooth and creamy sauce like a well-aged Cheddar or a high-moisture cream cheese. It melts more evenly and quickly than slices, and you’re guaranteed to have just the right balance of toasted bread and melted cheese. When sliced too thick, the cheese simply won’t cook all the way through, which means you won’t get that oozy, melty goodness you have your heart set on. Why isn’t the cheese melting on my grilled cheese? Patience and low heat are your friends anytime you use milk in a sauce or soup. The milk fats clump together, forming a rubbery mass, while leaving a thin, unappetizing liquid. When dairy products are heated, they sometimes separate or curdle in response to high heat. Use shredded cheese and always reduce the heat to about low to medium before adding. Slowly add the cream or milk and continually stir after adding. Sometimes an acidic ingredient, like wine, can prevent the soup from curdling. How do you keep cheese from curdling in soup? Once this slurry has been mixed up, you’re going to need to mix it into your cheese sauce one teaspoon at a time. You need to whisk the cornstarch or flour together with cold water in a small bowl so that it becomes a slurry. The process of using cornstarch or flour to thicken the sauce isn’t overly complex either. Then, vigorously whisk and add either a spoonful of lemon juice or cream to bring the sauce back together. To fix grainy cheese sauce, if you spot the curdling as it’s happening, remove it from heat so it can cool. The sauce only needs to be hot enough to melt the grated cheese, which you should stir in gradually until just melted and incorporated into the sauce.
If it’s really hot, let it cool a few minutes. When your white sauce is ready, remove it from the heat. It’s that overcooking that can cause the sauce to curdle. If the above do not work, whir the soup in a blender until smooth. Add a few additional tablespoons of cream warmed ahead of time to the soup mixture, whisking constantly.
Can you fix curdled soup?Īdd an ice cube and lower the heat, whisking constantly the shock can help bring it back together. The best cheeses for soups are high in moisture and have a lower melting point, such as medium to sharp cheddar, fontina, Gruyere and Swiss. Very dry aged cheeses do not melt well at all because their moisture content is simply too low. As you can see, cooking with cheese is easy. You will be astounded by how well this works. To prevent it from becoming stringy, I sprinkle a little lemon juice on the grated mozzarella before adding it to a cream sauce, then stir it in over low heat. Basically the proteins in the cheese tighten up and squeeze out the fat. TROUBLESHOOTING: WHY IS MY BROCCOLI CHEESE SOUP GRAINY OR CURDLED? This can happen if the temperature gets too high. Don’t do it! Adding the sauce slowly, bit-by-bit, as you stir the liquid and pasta in your pot will make the cheese melt evenly and avoid clumping. How do I keep cheese sauce from clumping?Īre You Adding Your Cheese All at Once? If you are, stop. THEN you add cheese and let it melt and incorporate rather slowly while whisking so that the proteins in the cheese don’t seize up and become hard and grainy. Melt butter, add equal amount of flour, cook until raw taste is gone from flour.